Fairy Gardening with kids.
Share the Fairy Love

a fairy gardening with kids example that uses saint patricks day fairy garden accessories
Choose a theme!

Why make a fairy garden?

You may be looking for a good way to get your kids involved in gardening and a fairy garden is a fantastic way to engage them. You really need very little to get started and it’s a fun and magical way to keep little hands busy for a few hours, there is not only the initial set up of the garden but your kids will love to go and check on their fairies to see what they have been up to and to see how the plants are growing. You may like to choose a theme, see my Irish one above or go a little more random.

Getting Started.

Firstly choose something to make your fairy garden in, this can be something you already have around the house or garden or pop to your local garden centre to pick up a pot. Terracotta, glazed or plastic are all suitable containers , just ensure they have drainage holes if using real plants. Alternatively, you can really think outside the box and use an old drawer, a painted tyre, an old tin bath … the sky’s the limit!

Suitable containers

What plants do I use in my fairy garden ?

There are various plants that are suitable for your fairy garden, check your local garden centre for seasonal offerings, are particular favourites are heathers, alpines and trailing ivy. You can plant seeds into your fairy garden, cress and grass seeds are fast-growing and are great for kids to see grow almost daily. Alternatively, you could use herbs, you can even pick up the potted ones from your local supermarket. You can even consider succulents and cacti which need very little maintenance.

Below I show you how to make a fairy herb garden.

Fairy Herb Garden Video.

Plant free fairy garden.

You may decide you don’t want to use real plants perhaps for a child’s bedroom or indoor space, this is great too, coloured paper, aquarium gravel, decorative stones or dried moss works to fill in the gaps between accessories.

handmade fairy gaeden made by kids
Plant free fairy garden.

Adding Fairy Garden Accessories.

This is where the real fun starts, it’s great to have a focal point often a fairy house, see my blog about the different houses available. Next, you add the fairy garden accessories think ponds, furniture, bridges etc. You can make your own or purchase some really cute ones. See some ideas below.

DIY fairy garden accessories

There are lots of great fairy garden accessories kids can make from items you may have at home, I’ll do another blog on this but here’s a few ideas for now. Lolly sticks or garden twigs make great fencing, coloured aquarium gravel makes great pathways linking features in your garden.


Making a fairy garden is a great activity to do with kids it’s creative and can be done indoors or outdoors with very little cost. We’d love your feedback and would be happy to answer any queries. Most of all, have fun. Love Rachel

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