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If you want to find out more about Fairy Gardening and what we are up to check out our videos below
How to Attach a Fairy Door to a Tree
In this video, I show you Fairy Doors that are Perfect for the outside and how to go about attaching them to a tree.
What’s Fairy Gardening about then?
In this video, I explain what Fairy Gardening is, what Containers, Plants, and Accessories you can use to get into this Fantastic Hobby.
What is a Fairy Garden?
A Solar House and a collection of accessories put together into a kit A Fairy Garden is a miniature garden created in a container or a dedicated...
Are Fairies Real in Ireland?
Fairies are very much alive and thriving here in Ireland. You may or may not be surprised to learn that, in Irish Culture, fairies are not just part...
Best 10 Fairy Trails in Ireland (I have been to them all!)
So here are the 10 best Fairy Trails in Ireland. My name is Rachel and I have been running a fairy gardening business since 2001. So I thought maybe...